Welcome to the Pro2Pro Service!

CONGRATULATIONS! You have undoubtedly made the smartest and most strategic practice-building decision of your entire career. We welcome you to the Pro2Pro Network Service. Our goal is to help you become the most respected, most recognized and most-referred-to Financial Advisor in your area…and of course in putting your office growth on auto-pilot.

Please take 5 minutes to fill out the form below AS SOON AS POSSIBLE so your Meeting Coordinator can begin to schedule your Referral Relationship meetings.

What can you expect!

When you signed up with our service, you did so because you realized that there is no such thing as a “magic bullet” marketing solution…where you sit back, do nothing and build the office of your dreams. You did so because you understand the HUGE value in building your name, brand, fame and of course in generating new clients from many different sources. You also realized that having multiple marketing systems and referral relationships in place will enable you to generate a steady flow of referrals and new clients.

You will receive a minimum of 2, 3 or 4 Referral Relationship opportunities sent to you each month (depending on the level of service you signed up for). These referral relationships will either be secured/scheduled for the current month AND/OR for a future month as we are always scheduling/securing referral relationship opportunities for you months in advance. Your meetings can/will take place within your secured zip codes. Please note that the referral meetings we secure for you are confirmed with our contacts prior to your knowledge of the meeting. In fact, the referral relationship meetings we secure for you are only secured/scheduled AFTER we receive a confirmed agreement from the referral relationships office. This is done to protect you as well as to provide you with the absolute best referral relationships possible.

The success of your Referral Relationships depends on your willingness to follow Dr. Len’s step-by-step system (“How to initiate, nurture and maximize the referral relationships we secure for you”). Some will be very productive, while others will never produce a single referral. As you’ve heard many times, “It’s a numbers game.” The key is to get as many referral opportunities as possible and to embrace each one with the right attitude and with great expectations.

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